It’s nearly impossible to determine if Taylor could have even avoided a lifetime in advertising. When you consider the fact he was born and raised by a curious artist and a cutthroat stockbroker, the whole “ad-guy” thing seems less like a choice and more like an eventuality.
When he’s not pondering the nuances of nature and nurture, you can find him diving into even nerdier things like behavioral economics, science fiction, and really anything space-related. As you might imagine that makes him an adequately embarrassing father and husband. Described as proactive by his peers, aggressive by strangers and “an enneagram level 8” by the internet, Taylor is a problem solver at heart.
Though it looks like a bit of a mixed bag on paper, Taylor’s career has taken him all over the country and allowed him the opportunity to work on and learn from brands like OREO, Taco Bell, Xbox, Domino’s, VW and Virgin Atlantic. In his role at Martin he’s steering the growth and development of one of the best creative agencies in the world–a responsibility earned through a shared love for the power of creativity and one he does not take lightly.