Jerry May

Agency Growth Strategy Director

Jerry May

Agency Growth Strategy Director


Jerry May is Director of Agency Growth Strategy at Mirren. In this role, he specializes in training how to improve the organic growth and new business performance of mid-size and smaller agencies. He believes it’s these agencies that have a distinct advantage by virtue of being more innovative, agile and effective. Ultimately, with all agencies, he has found that a deeper immersion in the client’s business and target audience insight is the key to converting more business.

Jerry’s training is backed up with an extensive background on the client and agency-side. At The Clorox Company, he played a leading role on a number of brands including Liquid Bleach, Hidden Valley Ranch and Kingsford Charcoal. A series of agency assignments followed, which included running accounts such as Bank of America / World Banking, Microsoft, The North Face, Alaska Airlines and Del Monte.

During his downtime, Jerry loves a good outing to explore local culture and architecture, while also learning how to play his beloved six string.