Now Full: Small Group Think Tank 1 (55 mins)
Mirren: Nadine Tull, Agency Growth Strategy Director
These special interactive sessions provide the opportunity to connect with a group of 20 industry peers during Mirren Live. Addressing a critical industry topic, you’ll be able join in, ask questions, share your thoughts, and learn from others. All are moderated by a subject matter expert in a “cameras on and open mic” format.
Please note that due to privacy reasons, our small group Think Tanks will not be recorded.
Improving Organic Growth Performance
This group will focus on the topic of Organic Growth. As new business becomes increasingly difficult, current clients still provide the best source of growth. You have a relationship, the door is open, you have a base understanding of their business… however, what are the best practices working right now to generate more business from existing clients? We’ll address the challenges, opportunities, and new methods for making Organic Growth more effective.