Account Management: Adopting a Consultative Approach

Account Management: Adopting a Consultative Approach


Small Group Think Tank 6 (75 mins)
Sign-up for this Think Tank is now open. RSVP here:

Mirren: Jerry May, Agency Growth Strategy Director

These special interactive sessions provide the opportunity to connect with a group of 20 industry peers during Mirren Live. Addressing a critical industry topic, you’ll be able join in, ask questions, share your thoughts, and learn from others. All are moderated by a subject matter expert in a “cameras on and open mic” format.

Please note that due to privacy reasons, our small group Think Tanks will not be recorded.

Account Management: Adopting a Consultative Approach
As the client need for business growth has spiked, they’re also overwhelmed by all the change taking place so quickly. Now, more than ever, clients want strategic counsel from their account leads. In fact, at the core, account teams must better understand, address, and impact each client’s business growth needs. This more consultative approach is the future of account management.

This small group Think Tank will address how to have your account teams make this critical shift.